Wednesday 27 October 2010

New Master

Well it has happened and I am pleased to say that Aros More has indeed a new Master and I could not be more pleased. Iain (he can reveal his full identity in his own time)is just the owner I had been looking for. He plans to use her to her full potential and will be ably assisted by his wife Susan. I wish them both the best of luck and will be there to help should this be required. In managing the transfer Nick Stratton Yachts could not have been more helpful. Thank you! Parting was not easy but I did not expect anything else and I will be the first to say Aros More appeared in peak condition making me very proud.I am certain that the Lord looked kindly on this sale as on every at every visit to the boat by Iain and even when accompanied by Susan the weather was warm under bright blue skies. Extraordinary but we were on the west coast of Scotland!For the first time since the early seventies I am shore bound except for an 8 foot fibreglass dinghy, but there you go.

The next phase is to find the next boat and a trip to Mexico is again on the agenda for mid November. There has been snow on the hills so it is time to go looking for the sun and warmth again.Will keep you posted. Thinking of you Iain, Susan and Aros More.