Monday 22 June 2009

Rains in Maine

Hooray Aros More is afloat and Skipper is happy. Some hard work ashore with a dead line ensured that we were ready by 0530 on the appointed day. There is no travel hoist at the yard but with a low loader designed to run down a ramp all was done in jig time by Allan Drinkwater competently and with no fuss. Even the engine started on the turn of the key, proving that I can still bleed the fuel system. Bill ,the yard owner, was there of course and so too mine host, his brother Ted. Felt very much under test!

The first job was to get the generator working and once the beast was back in its "bunk" she started like a dream and has passed many hours already under test so let us hope she stays that way. On the few sunny days I have completed the external varnishing so that Aros More is as pretty as a picture, at least on the outside. In the cabin it is a different matter as I have started to refurbish the woodwork using a mixture of sodium hydroxide and a dilute acid. I was advised to hose down the wood after treatment but that is too much of a good thing. It sure works anyway. Arty will be pleased to know that the "mantle-shelf" is beginning to gleam. For the unintiated that is the area for everything that does not have a home excluding the fixtures of compass and radar.

While all this is going on Ted and Bev work away on their schooner Koulka fitting tanks, pipes, varnishing and making new seats and covers. Their son Scot when he is not making snow ploughs, yes I mean snow ploughs, at the rate up to 50/60 per day is also involved. In between we attend Republican meetings with a view to make radical changes in the political system. At home we are fighting corruption and loss of self government to the fascists in Brussels, while here they are also having to deal with parties that cease to recognise that there are electors who were made promises that are not honoured and are being faced with huge monetary rescue packages that can not be afforded. There is also the concern about the emerging nations and immigration. Our problems are so similiar. Guess what, politicians here also pass laws that they have not read!

On that note we will go back to sea in the morning!

Thursday 11 June 2009


Have been here a week and working hard on the boat. She has been well cared for over the winter and once I have sorted out the yards tricks with the pipe work systems are beginning to come together. Next week should see the launch. I am having to send the new Avon inflatable away for repair as the fenders are falling off. Its is to be a guarantee job and again I have found the folk here just more than helpful.

I am staying with friends, Ted and Bev Cowan who also have and Endurance in the back yard awaiting completion but in the bay they also have a 50 ft schooner. If it is to be a fine weekend I will take time off for a sail and gladly, never having sailed in such a splendid ship before. It is a family affair as the yard is run by Ted's brother Bill and his wife Jody.

My first few days were enhanced by the great performance of UKIP. The web is so helpful when there are such cataclysmic affairs of state! Interestingly Obama is heading for trouble.

Gitte is due out on the 22nd and soon after she arrives we should start to make for the Azores. Here is hoping. In the meantime she is to be found, as ever, on the golf course.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Parlimentary Crisis and EU

We are indeed in incredible times with our esteemed elected representatives being discredited. What an extraordinary situation that led to this fiasco! We have a bunch of highly intelligent individuals, many of whom are lawyers, who have been allowed to set their own salaries and expenses and have now been found out with their fingers in the till and snouts in the trough (an apt analogy with the imminent swine 'flu crisis causing us all to be "scared to death"). They are all running around in ever decreasing circles to disappear, we hope, to you know where. We are also told that they are ready to commit suicide.

While all this is going on the country has no money as Prudence has retired to a nunnery after spending all our spare cash, some £1.3 trillion, on ludicrous expansion of quangos and battalions of civil servants, to say nothing of the £40bn given to the EU daily and compliance to the thousands of regulations and directives that are spewed out by the EU Commission. This is I remind you is an unelected body of appointed failed politicians. The cost of these regulations has been costed at between £113 and £133 trillion annually. Gordon Brown denies that he is responsible and this may be true in part, but, by Jove, he has made matters much worse. However he is going to save the world so all hope is not lost.

Where do we go from here? We have the three "main " parties firmly wedded to the EU so depriving us of self government. The Tories do make noises about renegotiating our position in the EU and this they have said many times before. They did nothing of course so that I do not trust David Cameron one iota. That leaves us with one party only of "nutters and fruitcakes" that pushed the Lib Dems into third place in the last EU elections and which offers the only alternative with a option of self government again. There is no doubt that the United Kingdom Independent Party has gained in strength from then. They are now level pegging with Labour and Lib Dems in the last opinion polls at about 17%.

So what do you do? Do as Lord Tebbit said,"Do not vote for a main party in the EU elections. Vote for one of the lesser parties." Being a Tory eurosceptic there is no doubt to whom he is refering!

Good luck and vote for freedom and sovereignty.

Saturday 31 January 2009

Brown is Saving the World

Hello Everyone,

Here we are at the end of January and days are now getting longer again. Someone tells me that we are going through a crisis so I have had to think it advisable not to go into debt in spite of the advice from the World Saviour. Having fallen for Pincoya the Island Packet in Mexico it is with a heavy heart that I have had to think again. Aros More must be sold first, unless Premium Bonds deliver the goods or The Royal Bank recovers thanks to my investment and faith! If Aros More is not sold by the end of April we will sail her back home and refit here for the market. Being such a fine boat and my very own baby it is time for her to be launched into the world and make her own way. There are adverts on the three sites including Google. Typing Endurance in the search bar will bring up the link to one site, in addition to the one below